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Sweep UP Right Now

”Come and clean your home, play and hustle, tidy up and destroy!“

Project:      Game Jam

Category:   Multiplayer/Competitive Games
Engine:      UE4
Platforms:  Windows

-Sweep Up Right Now is a competitive multiplayer game that requires two players to take on separate roles to put items in place in their own room while destroying the other player's attempts.

-An additional mode allows players to play a football shootout.

-In the process of playing the game, players can not only have fun, but also develop friendships with their friends.

The theme of Game Jam was 'Re-' and after brainstorming, we decided to develop a multiplayer confrontation game with 'Recovery' as the core gameplay for this project. I took on the responsibility of level as well as scenario planning during the process.

As a third-person perspective game, access to information is the most important part of the confrontation for the player, and is also a difficult part of the scenario design.

The number and location of cameras could not be determined as it was not possible to determine if multiplayer online functionality would be available in the early stages of development. Likewise, the difference between the perspective and orthogonal view of the camera and the information available to the player from different angles made the level design fair in terms of both functionality and perspective. Therefore, to avoid this uncertainty from getting in the way, I decided to design a symmetrical map and only design half of it first to test the functionality.


Special shaped prototype.


Two options


Test map (embellished)

After a practical test, and after deciding to do an offline game, we tested and found that an orthogonal view was appropriate. After adjusting the size of the characters, the speed of movement and the location of the scene visits, we found that the design on the right side of the map below was more appropriate, due to the fact that there is also interaction between the players and that too wide a field and too crowded aisles can make for a bad experience.

After deciding on the design of the field, we marked the obstacles in the field as well as the fixed locations for interaction on the map. Different types of interactive objects were designed to match these locations. However, in earlier versions it was not possible to tell which player the object belonged to by the way it looked, and it was not clear where the object should be and whether it had been returned to its place. To solve this problem, I worked with the TA and the programmer to indicate the players by using different colours and a halo to indicate whether or not they were in place. As shown in the image below.


The object is lifted

Returned to position


I also did some work on replacing materials for the UI, adjusting the model colours and so on. After the beta test, I scripted the trailer and recorded a video and made the trailer with the help of my teammates. (Top of the page)

On the left is our final game scene. 

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